Facebook Ads for Social Games and Applications

Due to higher user acquisition costs and fewer viral social network platforms, it is no longer easy for social media game and application developers to generate a strong user base. appnext offers a variety of ad tools for developers seeking to monetize their social games and apps with in-app Facebook ads.


Our social networks solutions enable social media app developers to make the most of Facebook advertising. With our tools, you don't need to worry about using those flashy banner ads that have nothing to do with your game and apps. Instead, you'll be able to provide your users with interesting ads that are non-intrusive and make sense to your game.

We offer diverse promotion tools that are ideal for social networks. Our advanced tools work to benefit both the developer and the user. Developers can effectively monetize their games by being able to select the precise time to show the ads, leveraging their present user base.

The social solutions we provide for Facebook ads are extremely cost-effect. appnext gives developers the chance to expose their games and increase their user base via social networks, without having to drop large sums of money in user acquisition costs.

We can help you earn money from your existing user base. You can rely on us to cover all of your social media advertising needs. Get in touch with one of our experts and discover your options.